• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

whats the theory?

Read. Analyse. Explore.

A fascinating idea for an experiment from Whatsthetheory?


Jun 8, 2024

Why have megalithic structures been built by humanity? What attracts people or societies to building the stone circles that are so commonly seen across the globe but particularly in the UK? What did these structures mean to people and did they think in a similar way to us today?

How about conducting an experiment to find out? By taking community groups (without prior knowledge of the experiment’s aims) from across different segments of society then introducing them to a stone circle and observing their behaviour it would be fascinating to see what emerged. If the numbers of participants were the same as the number of stones in a circle would there be a human to stone adoption with participants aligning themselves in the circle? Would some stones be more desirable? Would there be singing? Would there be any indicators of instinctive spiritual connection? Would there be practical discussions of how the stones might orientate themselves with the sky?

It would be fascinating to understand what instincts such patterns of stone elicit from a cohesive group. Whilst we cannot eliminate the influence of the media in today’s society, we could consider using both older segments and also younger segments less exposed to common theories and compare the reaction.

Is there something that is inherently natural in the tendency to engage with large stone structures and if so where does this come from?